Monday, September 25, 2006

inner light

I am continuosly being shaken.
I need to find my inner light, the one that has been drowned out
by fear, anxiety, stress and all the mixed emotions.

I need to find my voice, my inner voice, the voice that
yearns to sing, to love, to be free.

Music is therapy. =)
[I had a blast going to Fessta Bossa last Friday. The combination of Sitti with her band and the Bloomfields was one of a kind.]
I want to discover my inner dance, my inner rythm.

Let me be aware.
Let not my emotions overpower me.

Healing's from within...
Like what my friend said, ordinary things happen everyday. Miracles, they also only takes longer to happen, but it does.

Hay, Lord. Patience. Courage. Strength. Light.
Silence and Stillness.


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